What are the delivery times and costs?
Delivery is always free and is usually within 1-3 working days.
The products are delivered by the courier GLS from Monday to Friday. Dispatches and deliveries are not made on Saturdays, Sundays or national holidays.
Always choose an address where someone is available to collect the package. If you prefer to receive your order at the office or at a reception, please also indicate the name of the contact person.
On this site returns are also always free. You can find more information in the ""Returns and Refunds"" section.

How can I check the delivery status?
In the order confirmation email there is the Tracking Number, a code that allows you to track the package in real time on the GLS website.
If you are a registered user, you can follow the delivery status directly from “My account”.

What happens if I am not at home when the courier arrives?
The courier will try to deliver your package again. If the second delivery attempt is unsuccessful, UPS will leave a delivery notice with contact details and your order will be deposited at a collection point. By contacting GLS, you will be able to collect your order at the office specified. If you are not able to collect your order from the collection point, after 5 days the package will be returned to our warehouse. You will be contacted by Customer Services to verify whether you would like it to be delivered again or a refund.

Which countries do you deliver to?
We deliver to Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Spain.

Are there addresses that you cannot deliver to?
The courier cannot deliver to Post Office boxes or to Postal services.
Please also note that we cannot ship to the following areas:
Campione d'Italia, Lugano Lake, Livigno, Azores, Madeira, French Overseas departments, Channel Islands, Gibraltar, Canary Islands, Balearic Islands, Andorra, Ceuta, Melilla, Åland Island.

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